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Advanced implantology, dental implants, dental prostheses, immediate loading implantology, bone grafting

Advanced implantology, UFO Dental Clinic, Immediate loading implantology, Bone grafting


Dental implant starting from €350.00

Call now +39 3314041848


Implantology and implant rehabilitation at UFO dental clinic performed with advanced and modern techniques, safe, non-invasive, painless and effective. In the absence of one or more teeth, the best long-lasting solution if you want to return to having fixed teeth. Immediate loading implantology, boneless dental implants.

Advanced implantology, dental implants - UFO Dental Clinic

Dental implants represent the most innovative, effective and healthy surgical technique for restoring single or groups of missing teeth but also for anchoring complete dental prostheses .

The dental implant is an artificial dental root inserted inside the maxillary or mandibular bone so that it can have the same functional characteristics of a natural root and restore masticatory functions.​

Dental implants are currently made of titanium, a perfectly biocompatible material that allows excellent osseointegration by minimizing any type of allergic and inflammatory reaction on the part of the oral cavity and able to withstand the great chewing stresses to which it is subjected.

The dental implant consists of 3 distinct units:

  • The Pillar,

  • The Stump,

  • The Crown or The Prosthesis.

The abutment has a structure similar to a screw inserted inside the bone and designed to simulate the function that in nature is performed by the root.
Different shapes and lengths are used to better adapt to the different anatomical needs that vary from individual to individual.

The abutment is the element that connects the abutment and the dental crown , it is positioned for one end in the screw itself below the gum, while the other end protrudes creating the base on which the crown is anchored.

The dental crown is the visible part. The most used material for the realization of the dental crown is porcelain metal, they are in fact formed internally by a metal portion and externally covered with a porcelain coating that gives the natural white color. The latter coating can also be made with Zirconium, another material similar to porcelain.

The combination of the porcelain metal gives the tooth strength and the final aesthetics will be very similar to that of a natural tooth.

The stages of assembly

  • Diagnostic phase,

  • Surgical phase,

  • Osseointegrated phase,

  • Final assembly phase.

Dental Implantology - Dentists Albania

How is the dental implant inserted?

​During the diagnostic phase, a radiological visit is carried out through the execution of a dental panoramic or CT scan and a clinical visit through direct observation by the implantologist will allow to evaluate whether the morphological conditions and the bone structure are suitable to accommodate the Dental implant The surgical phase is when the dental implant is inserted into the bone. The surgical operation has a variable average duration of 10-15 minutes performed under local anesthesia and in a totally sterile regime.

Dental implants Albania

After choosing the most suitable implant and cutting the gingiva, the dental implant is screwed into the bone. The gum is then closed by suturing, completely covering the implant to avoid infections.
The operation is painless and does not cause particular inconvenience for the patient.

The osseointegration phase is necessary for healing to allow the dental implant to integrate into the bone.
The duration of this phase varies from 3 months for the mandibular bone, therefore for the lower arch, and 6 months for the maxillary bone, or for the upper arch.

In the final assembly phase, the abutment is applied to the previously inserted dental implant and the definitive porcelain crowns or the Overdenture prostheses are fixed.

Very often after the loss of some teeth, the natural bone resorption means that there is not a sufficient thickness of bone to accommodate the dental implants .

Today there are innovative techniques, such as bone grafting that allow even patients who have little bone availability to avoid mobile prostheses and to be able to resort to a safe and fixed solution such as dental implantology .
In these cases we speak of "maxillary sinus lift" better known as "bone grafting", a surgical practice during which a natural mineral of bovine origin is inserted into the bone, completely comparable both from a chemical point of view, than structural to mineralized human bone, therefore perfectly biocompatible with the body.

In our AlbaniDent Dental Clinic in Albania we use only high quality materials such as Geistlich Bio-Oss, adhering to the strictest safety standards.

Implantology Albania Dent dental implants

Immediate loading implantology, computer guided implantology.

immediate loading implantology, computer guided implantology, minimally invasive surgery and in fact these are the latest methods that have entered the dental sector and that we use, but it must be emphasized that they are not applicable to all patients and in all conditions, so sometimes with the same situation or disease present in the mouth of our patients we can propose to a patient a completely different treatment plan than another patient. but that in any case we must always try to individualize the suitable and personalized treatment for the patient to obtain the maximum aesthetic as well as functional result.

These are important statements as in the age of the computer, in the era of immediate load implantology or cad-cam technology, when we want to achieve the maximum gratifying aesthetic success for our patients, we must individualize the treatment and make it almost artisanal

Bone grafting Dental Implantology Albania

It is necessary, after having performed the bone graft surgery, to wait for a period of about 6 months, before being able to proceed with the insertion of the dental implants . The bone graft surgery can be performed both in the maxillary sinus, therefore in the upper arch, and in the mandibular, as regards the lower arch, depending on where it is necessary to insert the dental implants .

It is possible to perform bone grafting through a minimally invasive surgery , performed with local anesthesia. The operation is totally painless for the patient and without any kind of particular contraindications for most cases.

Dental bone grafting - Dentists Albania

See also:
Oral surgery. Implant and extraction surgery

Cosmetic surgery in Albania

Bariatric surgery. Weight loss surgery.

Rhinoplasty. Shape the nose with plastic surgery

Hair transplant. FUE hair transplant technique

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