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Breast lift in Albania. Mastopexy - Breast lift surgery

What is breast lift or mastopexy for breast lift? Intervention technique. How much does mastopexy cost in Albania

Albania Doctor breast lift

What is breast lift? Breast lift surgery or Mastopexy.

Mastopexy also known as breast lift is an intervention byCosmetic Surgerywhich is performed on women with breasts that present a sagging with subsequent downward displacement or mammary ptosis.Breast ptosis it is caused by various factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding or as a result of changes deriving from age, genetics, weight fluctuations and which involve a certain aesthetic discomfort. The intervention ofbreast reshaping, does not change the size of the breast but provides for its lifting, removing excess skin and repositioning the nipple-areola complex in the correct location thanks to a relocation of the mammary gland in a higher position on the chest wall, to recover a younger appearance and harmonious.

In conjunction with the intervention ofmastopexyyou can enter somebreast implants breast augmentation, or it is possible to reduce the size of the breasts with reduction mammoplasty. Additionally, the procedure can be performed as part of a post-mastectomy breast reconstruction, to achieve better symmetry with the reconstructed opposite breast.

Albania Doctorensures full and total compliance with all European regulations regarding quality, procedures and safety. We have excellent facilities with the latest equipment, modern technology and all the ISO certifications necessary to carry out the cosmetic surgery procedures perfectly according to the protocol.

Who is breast lift suitable for?

Mastopexy for patients who have small breasts, for patients who have breasts without volume, the insertion of prostheses is also recommended. In patients with relaxed breasts, an enlargement of the contours of the areola is very frequent, during the mastopexy operation, the correction of the areolas is also performed.
Breasts of any shape and size can undergo mastopexy surgery. There is no preferential age to undergo this surgery but it must certainly be performed after the complete development of the breast.

Mastopexy Before During after.jpg

Prescriptions before mastopexy surgery

  • It is recommended one week before the operation, not to take Ac. Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) to avoid clotting problems.

  • For smokers, abstain for at least 2 weeks

  • In young patients an ultrasound is required, while over 35-40 years a mammography is required before the operation.

  • Complete blood tests, electrocardiogram and chest x-ray are required

  • In the event of an infection or illness it would be prudent to postpone the surgery.

Breast lift procedure. Mastopexy surgical technique

Breast lift mastopexy procedures can be performed in various ways and with different types of incisions, which outline the area from which excess skin will be removed and which define the new position of the nipple. Mastopexy generally requires the application of drainage and the extension of the scars is proportional to how much the breast needs to be lifted

The techniques are varied and the engravings vary it is expected:

For very sagging and emptied breasts, the vertical scar may extend briefly and horizontally in the mammary sulcus with an L or inverted T shape or peri-areolar, vertical and horizontal scar

The scar can be placed in the peri-areolar area only for a small lift. or it may be necessary to make another vertical access route that goes from the areola to the inframammary fold

The suture is carefully performed thanks to special threads, favoring the intradermal suture technique which prevents the stitches from being visible from the outside.

Patients with small breasts and very little ptosis can undergo surgical procedures that involve little scarring

The breast prosthesis is possibly always inserted through the same access necessary for the correction of the ptosis. All methods require a particular bandage which is kept for the first 48 hours

The duration of the mastopexy operation varies between 1h 30 min. and 2 hours, requires general anesthesia or deep sedation and requires day hospital admission or 1 night.

Mastopexy Albania Doctor

What is the course after the breast lift surgery or mastopexy?

In the first two days after breast lift surgery or mastopexy, the patient must rest. The annoyance depends on the type of intervention; if only mastopexy has been performed, the discomfort is negligible, if the prosthesis has also been used, the discomfort is more important and lasts a couple of days. The breast, in the first few times, has bruises, swelling and you need to wear an elastic garment that consolidates and maintains the result. The soft compression bra will be worn for 23-24 hours for 4-6 weeks, while the stitches will all be absorbable. Sometimes there is a loss of sensation in the areola and nipples, which usually recovers after the swelling subsides over the next few weeks. In some patients, however, the numbness can last for several months. For optimal recovery it is necessary to abstain from work for a couple of weeks and from sports for at least a month.

What other plastic surgeries can be performed together with Mastopexy?

The mastopexyit can be performed alone or in combination with other cosmetic surgery procedures such asbreast augmentation, thereduction mammaplasty or other cosmetic surgery procedures such as;face lift​thigh lift, ​liposuction and liposculpture,lipofilling  and cc.

How much does mastopexy cost in Albania. What is included in the price?

It will be possible to schedule an online consultation viaWhatsapp or a specialist visit at our facility inTiranawithout any commitment you will be prepared abreast lift quote detailed with ipricesand the times due to your case. In general, a mastopexy operation has a variable cost from €6,000 to €8,000.

The price includes: surgery under general anesthesia, postoperative surveillance, required medications, controls and bandages in the first postoperative days, removal of sutures and necessary controls. Albania Doctor also offers free airport transfer and accommodation in a 4-star hotel for the entire treatment period


  • Technique: surgery

  • Duration: 2-3 hours

  • Anesthesia: general

  • Post-treatment rest: 7 days

  • Result obtained: 3 months

  • Return to social: 14 days

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