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Rhinoplasty in Family Hospital of Albania. Shape your nose with plastic surgery. How much does it cost to have your nose done in Albania?

Reshaping your nose in Albania costs 2700 euros
No worries All inclusive:
Round trip travel tickets, airport transfer, visit and tests, surgery, hospital stay and accommodation

Rhinoplastyit is a surgery that improves the aesthetic appearance of the nose and face and is one of the most requested interventions in cosmetic surgery. Rhinoplasty, also known as nose reshaping surgery, is performed to correct both functional imperfections, such as bad breathing, and aesthetic imperfections such as the presence of a hump on the nasal bridge, respecting the symmetry and harmony of the face.

Facial cosmetic surgery - Therhinoplastyallows you to change the shape and size of the nose by reducing or increasing its size, reshaping the tip, and possibly changing the nostrils and the angle formed between the nose and upper lip, reshaping the cartilage and bone skeleton

Rhinoplasty has an aesthetic purpose, for a complete rejuvenation of the face, rhinoplasty is associated with facelifting, mentoplasty and blepharoplasty operations to give the face a fresh and young look without any more unwanted signs of time and aging.

Rhinoseptoplasty surgery is the rhinoplasty operation associated with the septoplasty operation.

Through rhinoseptoplasty it is also possible to improve its functionality and obtain correct breathing.


Rhinoplasty can be performed under light general anesthesia or under local anesthesia accompanied by deep sedation.  Both anesthetic procedures have high safety levels and must be chosen according to the specific conditions of the patient to be operated on.

Rhinoplasty surgery. Precautions before and after surgery. The techniques of incisions and nose modeling that are performed in Family Hospital.

To face rhinoplasty in the best way and without risk, follow the instructions provided by the surgeon to face rhinoplasty in the best way and without risk, always inform him if you suffer from allergies or other diseases.

The operating program is based on direct observation and on the graphic variations performed directly on the printed photographs or using computer programs.

Precautions before surgery

The main blood tests are required as well as the coagulability tests, the electrocardiogram and the chest X-ray, at least 4 photos, two lateral, one frontal and one from below.

Two weeks before rhinoplasty surgery it is recommended to:

  • Avoid smoking alcohol,

  • Avoid medications containing acetylsalicylic acid

  • Stop taking drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid,

  • Avoid anti-inflammatories, birth control drugs and Omega 3 content.

  • Also avoid alcohol and sleeping pills.

  • Aspirin-type pain relievers are contraindicated because their active ingredient interferes with active blood clotting and can cause excessive bleeding.

  • Furthermore, it is advisable to apply healing creams such as bepanten or oily drops for two or three weeks before the operation.

Established infections of the nose, ears and mouth must be diagnosed and treated early.

On the day of the rhinoplasty, even if it is an operation carried out during the day, without hospitalization, you must be accompanied by someone and absolutely not drive after the operation

How Rhinoplasty surgery is performed. The techniques of incisions and modeling of the nose

Rhinoplasty surgery consists in making small incisions inside the nose, from which it is possible to remodel the bone and cartilaginous component of the nasal skeleton.

The techniques used vary from patient to patient, depending on the desired result. Essentially there are two surgical techniques that are used for nose surgery:

  1. open rhinoplasty

  2. Closed rhinoplasty

The expert nose surgery surgeons of the Sante Plus Hospital in Tirana are able to use the two techniques according to the specific case, obtaining the same optimal results.

Open and Closed Rhinoplasty.png

Open rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplastyit involves an incision on the columella with the aim of then detaching the entire back of the nose and remodeling its internal structures directly.

The open techniqueit may be preferable for clinical cases to be reoperated, so that it is possible to use cartilage grafts exactly in certain areas, place stitches in an absolutely precise way.

The incisions required for open rhinoplasty are both internal and external to the nose. In fact, to access the cartilaginous and mucous structures of the nasal pyramid, the surgeon cuts the columella, which is the flap portion of tissue between the nostrils.

The times of the intervention vary according to the foreseen operative design, but can oscillate between half an hour and an hour and a half. 

Open rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty

This type of procedure, even if it offers a better view of the operation, leaves behind an external scar, however very well hidden under the nose.

Closed rhinoplasty does not involve incisions on the skin, because the modeling of the nose takes place through incisions inside the nostrils, therefore invisible, the cartilages and bones of the nose are remodeled.

At the end of the operation, dressings are placed inside the nose which will be removed after two days and a plaster modeled by the surgeon on the nose, which will be removed after a week.

With the closed technique there is no external surgical incision and access to the bone and cartilaginous structures to be remodeled only from inside the nose.

Open and Closed Rhinoplasty

Precautions after surgery

Rhinoplastyit does not involve any pain and complications are extremely rare. In the first few days the nose is swollen, and eyelid swelling may exist. The bruises and bruises of Rhinoplasty disappear after 5 - 7 days and it is possible to return to daily activities after 8 - 10 days.

During the post-operative period it is necessary to wear a rigid cast for about a week.

After the removal of the retainer the nose deflates gradually and this happens more rapidly for the upper part and more slowly for the tip which can take up to six months or more before assuming the result

Closed rhinoplasty has an excellent aesthetic result, as it leaves no visible mark on the skin, but a great deal of knowledge of the procedure and great expertise are required for the plastic surgeon.

How much does it cost to have a nose job in Albania? Family Hospital partner of Albania Doctor

1 - First intervention for nose reshaping costs 2700 euros,

2 - Septoplasty turbinectomy (functional & aesthetic) up to 3200 euros

The price includes;

  • Round trip tickets ,

  • preoperative visit with any tests ,

  • the operation intervention with anesthesia,

  • one day of hospital stay + 2 or 3 days in a hotel

  • accompaniment from the airport to the hospital and vice versa.

Rinoplastica in Family Hospital partner di Albania Doctor

Rinoplastica in Family Hospital partner di Albania Doctor

Rinoplastica in Family Hospital partner di Albania Doctor
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