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Periodontics the symptoms and main causes of periodontitis. Periodontal therapies. Smile care - Family Hospital Partner of Albania Doctor

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Periodontology in the Family Hospital dental center partner of Albania Doctor. Periodontitis. Symptoms, causes, treatments, therapy and Prevention.

Periodontics , or periodontology, is a branch of dentistry that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases affecting the supporting tissues of the teeth, namely the gums, periodontal ligament, root cementum, and alveolar bone. The main conditions treated include gingivitis and periodontitis.

Periodontology is a branch of dentistry  who studies the tissues of the  periodontium  (περί = around; οδούς = tooth) and related pathologies. The periodontium consists of  gumalveolar boneroot cement  (tissue covering the root of the tooth) e  periodontal ligament . Periodontology therefore deals with the set of soft tissues (the periodontal ligament and the  gum ) and hard (cement and alveolar bone tissue) surrounding the  tooth  and which ensure its stability in the alveolar arch (in health conditions). Periodontology also deals with diseases affecting the  periodontium , these are generically called  periodontal diseases  or  periodontal disease , or  pyorrhea  (historical term still used today in the population). They are periodontitis and gingivitis.

                        Taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Periodontology in the dental center Albania Dent.

Family Hospital Dental Clinic of Albania Doctor has always considered periodontal health as the priority and fundamental step for the care of the oral health of our patients. In the absence of good control of bacterial plaque and the resulting gingival inflammation, dental therapies are inevitably destined to failure.

The warning symptoms and the main causes that favor periodontitis, periodontal therapies

The warning symptoms and the main causes that favor periodontitis, periodontal therapies

In scientific terms, periodontitis is the inflammation of the periodontium , that is, of everything around the roots of the teeth, gums, alveolar-dental ligaments, alveoli and bone system. Inflammation almost always due to poor or incorrect dental hygiene which, if continued over time, becomes chronic causing the detachment of the gums from the teeth and giving rise to the formation of the so-called periodontal pockets  which in turn cause damage to the alveolar bone with the consequent reduction of its height.

The protocol  for the treatment of all patients suffering from periodontal disease, it includes a diagnostic phase for an evaluation as complete as possible of the health of the gums and of the supporting structures of the teeth. This evaluation first of all involves the collection of a series of measures through the so-called periodontal survey ,  that is the measurement with calibrated instruments of a standard series of parameters on each tooth (the depth of the sulcus formed between the gum and the tooth surface, the possible retraction of the gum margin with respect to the original position, the dental mobility and others).

Subsequently, radiographs are performed according to protocols that allow a precise evaluation of the relationships existing at the level of the skeletal tissues and of the roots of the teeth. The information collected in the first visit is used to guide towards the most suitable type of preliminary or initial therapy, that is, the control of present and active inflammation.

The warning symptoms of periodontitis.

Periodontal disease can present itself as gingivitis or periodontitis , the first involves the healing of the supporting tissues, the second always involves an irreversible injury after healing. There are four types of periodontitis: Chronic , Aggressive , Associated with systemic diseases and Necrotizing .

Periodontitis is a very common disease 4 out of 10 of adults suffer from gum inflammation, which very often begins with the simple bleeding of the gums during daily cleaning of the teeth or when chewing particularly solid foods.

The swelling of the gums which become more and more sensitive to the contact of the toothbrush and food.

halitosis ie stinking breath and distortion of taste sensitivity.

The apparent lengthening of the teeth caused by the retraction of the gums and bone resorption

periodontitis, Dental Center Albania Dent

What are the main causes that favor periodontitis and the risks related to periodontitis?

Periodontal disease  it is a bacterial disease the necessary cause that can never be missing is bacteria . it has more contributing causes that together can increase the probability that they favor the onset of periodontitis;

  • Poor oral hygiene , with a consequent increase in bacterial plaque that gets deeper and deeper between the gums and the root surface of the teeth and thus becomes less and less attackable by the toothbrush and dental floss.

  • Genetic predisposition , i.e. an immune system that is not sufficiently developed and capable of attacking the affected bacterial flora .

  • The cause etiology of the disease is anaerobic bacteria that live in the absence of oxygen

  • The smoke.

  •   Diabetes mellitus.

  • Cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases.

  •   Pregnancy

Damage caused by smoking

Periodontal disease can present itself as gingivitis or periodontitis , the first involves the return of the supporting tissues ad integrum with healing, the second always involves an irreversible lesion after healing.

There are four types of periodontitis. Chronic, Aggressive, Associated with systemic and necrotizing diseases. The main risks related to this disease are;​

  • Any worsening of osteoporosis.

  • A greater predisposition to diseases of the respiratory system.

  • The increased risk for apoplectic shock.

  • An increased risk for heart attack.

  • The increased risk of premature birth.

  • The worsening of diabetes mellitus.

Damage caused by poor oral hygiene

Periodontal therapies

 Initial therapy usually involves the removal of bacterial plaque and tartar present at the level above and below the gums during one or more appointments depending on the situation (usually 4 appointments in a patient with a widespread periodontal problem.

After this initial phase, a diagnostic re-evaluation phase takes place, in which the parameters already evaluated and measured in the first visit are again analyzed for a diagnostic evaluation to compare with the initial picture.

In most patients, initial therapy is capable of producing significant improvements. Where lesions remain, especially at the bone level , as a consequence of the previous untreated periodontal disease, a further phase of therapy to correct the defects still present will be necessary. Soft tissue improvement and management of edentulous saddles: this procedure improves the volume and aesthetics of toothless gum areas. dental

 Periodontal treatments - Smile care

Smile care -  Dental aesthetics , the so-called gingival smile, that is, if you have a part of the gum that is too pronounced, we work to heal this aesthetic limit.

Elongation of the clinical crown, serves to increase the visible part of the tooth. This happens thanks to different techniques that are taken into consideration according to the patient's needs.

Gingivectomy , this is used to eliminate gum pockets or pockets that cause tartar.


Periodontal treatments - Smile care

Moving the flap apically, an iron is basically applied between the gum and the tooth to be operated on, which is discovered by raising the gum upwards. Essential procedure to be able to operate but also for the removal of the most stubborn tartar .

The osteoresectivity technique differs from that of the flap displacement, for the different objectives

The elevation of the flap implies the removal of the dental pocket, the osteoresective technique remodels gingival tissues which are used for correct oral hygiene


Prevention is a crucial aspect of periodontology and includes good oral hygiene (brushing, flossing, and rinsing), regular dental visits for professional cleaning and periodontal monitoring, as well as patient education on how to maintain optimal oral health.

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